Enterprise Agile

Agile practices are expanding beyond the dev team to benefit the entire business; and success isn’t simply about adopting the latest big-agile framework. Learn how agility works, at enterprise scale.

Start Learning
2 hr 46 min
6 topics 21 units
23 min read

1. Agile basics

Get up to speed on essential agile concepts before moving on to more advanced topics in this track.

23 min read
35 min read

4. User story creation

User stories, the key unit of agile workflow, is an important concept to grasp and master.

35 min read
9 min read

6. Agile workflow

When it's time for the rubber to meet the road in agile planning, how do you assign stories and manage workflow?

9 min read

Meet the team behind this track

Mark J. Balbes, PhD
Senior Director
Worldwide Technology
Agile Consultant
Delivery Manager, Agile Transformation
Managing Consultant
Excelon Development
Executive Director
JP Morgan
Senior Researcher
Micro Focus
Amy Reichert
QA Engineer